Acknowledge imperfections to be great

None of us are perfect. As leaders, we have to be intentional about not letting our bad habits and weaknesses overpower the skills and characteristics needed to lead an organization. It’s up to us to balance the good with the bad.

In a new post, leadership guru Dan Rockwell highlights how leaders can use imperfections to be better. First, he outlines negative behaviors leaders should work to overcome:

  • Paranoia: Self-esteem fluctuates, and it can take a lot of work to conquer thoughts of doubt. However, those of us in positions of power cannot let our fears hinder our leadership. Your team is not your enemy or competition. Lead with integrity, confidence, openness, and kindness, and don’t worry about what others might be saying about you. Great leaders recognize the skills and intelligence of their employees and let them shine.
  • Political: Office power struggles and games put up roadblocks on your path to success. Presidents and CEOs are put in those positions to make the hard decisions – you’ve proven your skills and knowledge to do so. Don’t shy away from doing what you think is best because others might disagree. Be strong and decisive in your decision making.


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