Accelerate transformation through agile growth

In the third of three exclusive excerpts from his new book, Banking on Change, James Robert Lay says that "agility" is not just for teams anymore. Individual leaders need to embrace personal agility, too. You can get there in just 90 days.

We tend to think about time in a linear way, as made up of three parts: past, present, and future. But this concept of time, straightforward as it may seem, is actually one of the greatest threats to achieving our exponential growth potential.

Over the past 20 years, I’ve made millions and lost millions. I’ve been half a million dollars in debt. I’ve been betrayed. Lied to. Cheated. I’ve failed. And I’ve hurt others. With each of these moments in time, there was a memory attached to an experience. Something that had caused extreme pain for me at a single moment in time, but that experience and moment in time was now in the past. Somehow, thinking of time in this way helped set me free.

The choice you’re making at this moment can determine how you move forward on your exponential growth journey. It’s a choice that will accelerate your transformation, both personally and professionally, through a practice of agile growth. Yes, in our Age of AI, agile growth is for more than just tech teams. Your ability to be agile and to adapt to exponential change, is a prerequisite for anyone attempting to achieve exponential growth. And this ability is very much rooted in how well you’re able to reexamine and ultimately transform your relationship with time.


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