A transformational leader

CUES’ 2018 Outstanding Chief Exec Joe Newberry has overseen a noteworthy cultural change at Redstone FCU.

Joe Newberry believes in the power of transformational leadership. This leadership approach takes a great organization and makes it excellent, guiding the management team and employees alike toward becoming more innovative in their thinking. It’s an approach that requires a strong and visionary leader, which is what makes Newberry so worthy of being named CUES’ 2018 Outstanding Chief Executive.

“I try to practice as best I can to be a servant leader and have a transformational leadership style,” says Newberry, who has been the president/CEO of $4.8 billion Redstone Federal Credit Union, Huntsville, Ala., for more than 10 years.

In his role as a transformational leader, Newberry has led Redstone FCU through a cultural change that has greatly improved the organization’s processes, products and performance. As he explains, “You can create an amazing strategic plan; however, culture is the engine that drives strategic objectives and performance. You need your people aligned and a culture that supports it to achieve desired results.”


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