A-h-h, The Strategic Plan

by Jim Blaine

Certain lots of credit union folks, about now, are dead in the midst of finalizing their strategic planning document for 2013. Many credit union leaders still believe that no one will know what to do nor know how to act come the first of January if a new strategic plan is not in place. Some of us slackards are holding back a bit this year until 12-12-12, to wait and see if the Mayans were right.

No sense spending time writing “good fiction” if no one is going to be around to read it!

Have always been amazed at how reliant employees are on the strategic plan. Most staff, much like the CEO and Board, pull out the plan first thing in the morning to get guidance for the day, the week, the rest of the year. The most diligent employees will recheck the plan several times during the day, much like a Muslim being called to prayer.

It’s very reassuring to know that there is a strategic plan in place and that management knows what’s going to happen next. Really good CEO’s can plan 5 years in advance, the very best have 10 year plans. NCUA is also a big proponent of strategic plans; they often use strategic planning as a substitute for thinking.

Great strategic planners are usually artful with the bullet point, four-color graphics, and the turn of a phrase. Their ideas are large and important – inspirational and motivational. I always have to restrain my emotions while listening to a strategic wizard, they really “fire me up”…

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