9 Aggravating Approaches to Workplace Arguments

by. Matt Monge

Conflict around ideas is a normal, healthy, and necessary part of organizational life. As I’ve said before, if your team isn’t arguing, something’s wrong.

At the same time, we know that not all arguments are created equal. Or maybe it’s that all arguments are created equal, but some arguments are more equal than others. (hat tip to you, Mr. Orwell)

We’ve all been in those moments though–the ones where a teammate or colleague or friend is saying something that just doesn’t seem quite right. They’re making their case, and their argument irritates you for some reason, but you can’t really put your finger on why. Sometimes it’s funny and lighthearted. Other times it’s witty banter.

But perhaps it’s worse than that. You might often find yourself feeling like a particular teammate or boss uses their personality or position to dominate conversations and “convince” people he or she is right. It’s frustrating because you can’t figure out which is worse: letting that person get their way, or actually having to interact with that person.

One thing you might find helpful is to think a little bit about howthose folks seem to have their way in those important discussions. You’ll most likely feel more confident engaging in those discussions if you’re able to pick up what methods they’re knowingly or unknowingly employing to “win” those arguments.

Any of these sound familiar?

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