8 ways HR can positively impact the bottom line

by. Katie Alberti

As an HR professional, it’s your job to hire the best candidates. Candidates who’ll invest themselves in your organization. Candidates who’ll go above and beyond to get the job done. Candidates who will ensure customer satisfaction and, ultimately, increase profitability.

While that’s the ultimate goal of any HR department, the trick is turning this goal into something actionable.

That’s exactly what LaFern Batie, CEO of The Batie Group, explained during her session today at the Society for Human Resource Management’s (SHRM) annual conference. Here are Batie’s eight areas where HR can have a positive impact on their organization’s bottom line:

1. Know your business

How does your company make a profit? If you can’t articulate this, meet with someone who can explain it to you. You can only positively impact the bottom line if you know how your company truly operates.

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