7 tips to get you ready for CUNA GAC

My first time at the CUNA Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC) was in 2000. On a break from exhibiting, a co-worker and I went to tour the White House, and while in line, watched Marine One – with President Clinton inside! – take off from the South Lawn. The CUNA GAC exhibit hall was in the basement of the Washington Hilton. There were printed summaries of the prior day’s activities to help you stay current.

My have things changed!

After attending this conference for twenty years as an exhibitor, I’m preparing for my first GAC as a CUNA employee. As VP of System Provider Relations, I oversee everything supplier-related, including the GAC exhibit hall. To run the largest exhibit hall at the largest conference in the credit union industry is so exciting to me. As I get ready to be on this side of things, I want to ensure that all exhibitors have a successful experience and to share some of the tips I’ve learned over the years:

1.   Download the app! Everything you need to know about GAC can be found in the conference app. Exhibit hall hours, session information – you can even “request a meeting” with an attendee through the app. And make sure your notifications are turned on – it’s the fastest way to receive breaking news about the conference.


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