5 traits of a data-driven credit union

by: Peter Keers

Big Data/Analytics is increasingly on the strategic radar for credit unions. Much of the focus, however, is on software tools alone. This is only a part of the picture. The underpinning of a successful Big Data/Analytics effort is creating a culture that supports a data-driven credit union.

What is a data-driven credit union? In his forthcoming book, Creating a Data-Driven Organization, author Carl Anderson lists three characteristics of an organization that is NOT data driven:

  • Reports past or present facts without much context
  • Fails to explain why something has or has not occurred
  • Does not recommend what action to take in light of the information

Anderson defines a data-driven organization as having, “… the right processes and the right culture in place to augment or drive critical business decisions with [the right] analyses and so have a direct impact on the business.”

He lists some traits credit unions must develop to become data-driven:

  1. Collect the Right Data

This means not only collecting relevant data. It also means the quality of the data (“cleanliness”) is supremely important.

  1. Data is Accessible and Queryable
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