5 things your financial website needs to change in 2014

by. Fatemeh Fakhraie

There are some disastrous websites out there in the financial industry. Your website may be one of them, and if so, there’s a good chance you’re annoying customers and members who are trying to use it.

Hopefully, you’re thinking about revamping your site. Here are five things to change as soon as you can:

1. Buried contact info

Do I have to click around to find your contact info once I get to your page? If I can’t find your phone number on the first page, I am already annoyed. If I have to click more than once to get to a contact form or your email addresses, I am annoyed. If you don’t have social media icons on your front page, I’ll assume you don’t have any social media presence, which rules out another way to contact you.

How to fix it:

You can always have a page for detailed contact information, but someone who’s just looking for a number to start the process doesn’t want to wade through all of that. The two must-haves for your main page are a general phone number and your social media icons (yes, people will be contacting you via these channels). Take a look at Widget Financial’s excellent example: at the bottom of the page, they have a box that includes everything, with their social media icons below.

2. Not mobile-enabled

If you have an app, you’re doing great! But remember that your website still needs to be responsive so that mobile users can read your blog posts and your events page.

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