5 Things Employees Aren’t Thinking


Very few people enjoy going to work every day in an environment filled with distrust, negativity, gossip, complaining, lack of commitment, political maneuvering, and so many of the other ugly things that characterize too many groups and organizations. And most folks, if you ask them, would say they wish things were different where they work. In fact, a recent Gallup poll suggests that up to 77% of individuals said they were less than thrilled with their work environments.

But they need to work. Or they like to stay busy. Or they’re holding out hope that maybe, just maybe, someday the organization will change. So people keep clocking in, doing their thing, keeping their head down, dying a little bit on the inside, and then clocking out. And it’s not just a few folks here and there. It’s a lot of people in a lot of organizations.

And yet those same people, unless they’re gluttons for punishment, wish it were different. There are some things I can almost guarantee your employees aren’t thinking. It’s not like they’re sitting around thinking:

1. Gosh, I love that my workplace sucks the life out of me everyday.

2. You know, if I had to choose between enjoying coming to work and dreading coming to work, I believe I’d prefer to dread coming to work every day.

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