5 powerful sales statistics your financial institution probably isn’t using

With the shift of consumers from brick-and-mortar to the online banking market, we have found that best practices for digital selling are more important that ever. Here are some useful sales tips your bank or credit union really shouldn’t live without!

Useful Sales Insights that Can Help Your Financial Institution Grow

A lot that is written about sales techniques relates specifically to sales in the B2B environment. But that doesn’t mean your financial institution can’t take some of these lessons and use them to inform how your staff interacts with customers on a daily basis! Here’s some amazing stats that your front-line staff should consider when interacting with new account leads each day.

1. Email Opens and Deletes…

Did you know… only 24% of sales emails are opened? Most of us are aware that people get a lot of junk mail, it happens to us all at times. But the fact that only a quarter of sales emails are even opened should tell your staff if that if they are reaching out to a sales lead via email it’s likely they will need to send 3-4 of these email messages to ensure that at least one of them gets opened.


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