4 ways to improve paper ATM receipts

In today’s increasingly digital world, financial institutions (FIs) of all sizes are looking at digitizing more and more financial documents, including paper ATM receipts.

Wells Fargo recently reported a total of 100 billion paperless ATM transactions since it began offering its paper-free option in 2009. Saving FIs money, creating less paper waste, and adding convenience for consumers who prefer to conduct and track expenses and withdrawals on their laptop or tablet are all attractive motivations for moving away from paper. Even so, there remain a number of reasons some consumers still prefer paper ATM receipts.

Familiarity and tangibility are important for some people. Paper can be placed in a file and referred to at a later date. And for some consumers, paper ATM receipts are considered to be less susceptible to hacking and tampering than digital systems.

As a recent ATM Marketplace article points out, digital systems are far from perfect. “Let’s consider the worst case scenario — with all digital recordings of bank statements wiped out, a paper statement would be the best way to validate one’s existing balance,” writes Mike Andrews, VP of sales and marketing, Graphic Tickets & Systems.

For ATM operators that continue to offer paper receipts, Andrews suggests they make the most of them with these tips:

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