4 things you should know before you hire a social media manager

All financial institutions will need to hire a Social Media Marketing Manager soon, if they haven’t already. To survive today’s rapid technological advances and the increased demand for human connections via social media channels, there simply isn’t any other option.

by. John Siracusa, President & CEO, mOSa eBank Marketing Services

But before adding these new roles to your team, there are a few things that you should know. After hiring these types of people for many years, I’ve found there are types of candidates that you’ll want… and others you’ll want to avoid. I’ve also provided four tips for making the most out of your new digital marketing role(s).

Five Candidate Types to Embrace (or Avoid)

Dreamers. The Dreamer may be the proud owner of multiple popular accounts on social media networking platforms. A typical Dreamer thinks it would be fun doing something with social media for a living. “I’m good at Facebook. Wouldn’t it be awesome if I could sit around all day getting paid for this?” Dreamers may seem highly-confident and interview very well. If you ask a Dreamer why they applied for the job, they may be passionate and persuasive as they try to convince you that they are indeed qualified for the job. But be extra careful. Dreamers with large numbers of friends are often horrible candidates a position as a Social Media Manager. Dreamers may have a basic understanding of social media and superficial “success,” but they don’t really know how to have real relationships with people in social channels. Despite having many “friends” on these platforms, in most cases they don’t interact with them. These social connections are strictly there for their face value — it’s a sheer numbers game. This does not qualify a candidate for a social media job.

Feelers. Feelers are powerful writers, whipping out emotional copy and punchy prose. Because of their way with words, they’re capable of giving your brand a softer edge. A Feeler could make a wonderful social media marketing manager, but they may lack the strategic expertise to set the direction and develop a game plan because they often lack focus and need more direct guidance.

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