3 ways to make your job more enjoyable

We’ve all had that one job we hated and hopefully we’ve also all had jobs that we loved. If you’re not in love with your current position, here are some ways you can make it more enjoyable, and for those that do like your job, here are a few tips that will hopefully make you enjoy it even more.

The struggle is real: We all have peaks and valleys when it comes to our energy levels. You may be at your best first thing in the morning or you might be more like the walking dead. Arrange your tasks so that you can deal with the difficult things at a time when you’re up for the challenge. At low energy times, handle the easy stuff that you’ve done a million times. The easier it is to get stuff done, the more you’re going to like doing it.

Stop trying to cure symptoms: If there is something about your job that’s bothering you, figure out if it’s a symptom or a virus. When there are problems in your workplace, they could be random and unrelated, or they could be symptoms of a larger issue. Instead of having to waste time and energy curing every small issue, find the root problem (a person, a process…) and fix it first.

Find things to love: So maybe you don’t love your job. But there’s got to be something you like about your workplace. Maybe you love the respect your job commands, maybe you love interacting with people, or maybe you love something as simple as your 401k. Your job may not be perfect, but hopefully you can find ways to make it more enjoyable.


John Pettit

John Pettit

John Pettit is the Managing Editor at CUInsight.com, where he ensures that the credit union community receives consistent, insightful, and timely updates. Through community articles, syndicated content, and original ... Web: www.cuinsight.com Details