3 ways credit unions can make the most of 2014 strategic planning

by. Emily Maxie

It’s that time of year again. Football season has started, the leaves are changing colors and your credit union is planning for 2014. Some parts of the strategic planning process will be familiar, but others will present new challenges your credit union hasn’t faced before.

Before you sit down for your planning sessions, here are three key considerations that should be on your radar for 2014.

Enhance Your Member Experience

credit union strategic planning

Improving your member experience has probably been on your strategic map for the past few years, but 2014 is no exception. Whether you’re looking to reconfigure a branch, adopt mobile banking applications or improve back office operations, the end result you’re likely looking for is a better member experience.

It may sound like a no-brainer, but getting out of your office and talking to real members is a great way to figure out how to improve your member experience. Ask them how they feel about interacting with your credit union. What would they change? Listen to their problems, take note of their behaviors and then brainstorm ways to develop offerings to align with their needs. As you know, the goal of a credit union is to build experiences, not products.

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