3 Questions with SWIVEL, an SWBC Company’s Wes Burton

CUInsight Publisher & CEO Lauren Culp is joined by Wes Burton, VP of Payments Risk & Compliance at SWIVEL, an SWBC Company for a quick interview with just 3 questions about fraud and compliance…

Three questions:

  1. (0:35) Given the recent increase in oversight and enforcement action in the financial technology space, how do you see the regulatory landscape evolving over the next 12- 24 months? What steps can financial service providers in the payments space take to prepare for these forthcoming changes?
  2. (2:08) With instant ACH availability and popularity skyrocketing in the United States, what are the top 3 emerging risk and fraud trends (blindspots?) FI’s should be aware of?
  3. (6:12) Often the word compliance can cause instant heartburn within other parts of the business. What are some best practices that risk and compliance organizations can leverage to build stronger partnerships with frontline operations, sales, and relationship management teams?

Click here to learn more about SWIVEL, an SWBC Company!

Lauren Culp

Lauren Culp

Lauren Culp is the President & CEO at CUInsight.com. She leads the growing team at CUInsight, works with organizations serving credit unions to maximize their brand and exposure, connects with ... Web: https://www.cuinsight.com Details