21 Ways To Make A Big Financial Change

We always intend to make financial changes in life, but we don’t often realize there are little things we can do to make a bigger change. Wise Bread has 21 ways to turn your finances in the right direction.

Making a big financial change in your life is similar to making any big change — it can often be overwhelming to the point of derailing you entirely. Here are 21 ways to help you stay on course and make big financial changes in your life.

Related: 25 Frugal Changes You Can Make Today

1. Start Small

Going whole hog right from the start is a recipe for relapse. Instead, start small. As a parallel example, if you want to start exercising but can’t fathom committing to a gym routine, then start with five minutes a day. (I started that way and progressed to an hour — which I now love).

Even if you don’t think it will make a big difference, the small and manageable start creates habits you can build on.

Read on for more.

2. Change Jobs

It might be to inject some passion into your work, to earn more money, or for another soul-satisfying reason, but changing jobs might be the change of scenery you need to inspire other big financial changes.

3. Eliminate Negativity

Negative people and influences do you no good. In order to stay on track with big changes, surround yourself with positive, supportive people.

4. Understand Want vs. Need

The things you “want” will probably detract you from your big financial changes, whereas the things you “need” must be incorporated into the plan.

5. Track Your Expenses

You can’t make big financial changes unless you know your starting point and end goal. Your initial expense tracking is your starting point, and continuing the process will help you stay on track.

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