15 New Year’s resolutions for credit unions in 2015

by: Matt Wilhelm

Happy New Year from enCompass!

We are kicking off our 2015 blog series with a list of 15 recommended resolutions when it comes to IT, especially designed for credit unions:

  1. Review your Disaster Recovery Plans. Download our Disaster Recovery Checklist for help.
  2. Test your Disaster Recovery. How quickly can you get your data back in the event of a disaster? There is only one way to find out. Test it. We liked this article from Corporate Technologies Group: Pull Your Own Plug…Before Someone Else Does!
  3. Ensure your data is protected with the appropriate Anti-virus and Anti-malware programs, and that all devices on your network are monitored and updated with the current versions of these important tools.
  4. How about those smartphones and tablets that may be on your network by employees? Do you have a policy on BYOD? If not, implement one. We like this whitepaper by MaaS360: The Ten Commandments of BYOD.
  5. Implement a Mobile Device Management Plan with Remote Wipe. Not sure what remote wipe is or why you need it? Read our article: Why Your Credit Union Needs Remote Wipe
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